What I want for Christmas (and you should, too)!
Hi, it’s me Lucy, and I’m here to remind you in simple fashion that you do NOT have to overthink the perfect Christmas gifts for anyone on your list ✨
Trust me – I know it’s tempting to think something’s not “good enough”...or to kick yourself for not grabbing that item you saw back in July that would be perfect for your Mother-in-law.
3 Amazing Gift Ideas That Don't Require Shopping
You’ve heard me share a lot about gift-giving and well, that’s because it’s one of my favorite things to do! Seeing someone’s face light up because you noticed them and shared something special with them is *quite possibly* the best feeling ever.
Over the years, I’ve been given and had the opportunity to give a tremendous amount of unique gifts.
How to Give The BEST Gifts
Ever since I was a little girl, I have been enamored with the idea of gift-giving. Seeing the look on someone’s face as they open up a wrapped package of something special simply puts a smile on my face and warms my heart!