Your Path to Successfully Selling Wholesale

Your Path to Successfully Selling Wholesale 

EVERYTHING you need to know in 6 Modules 

Do you have a product people LOVE? Are you constantly getting compliments on things you created? When you see other products in stores, do you find yourself thinking “my (insert product) would be so great here…I wonder how it all works”?  

Some days, the ins and outs of selling wholesale may seem “not that complicated” to the naked eye. But more often than not, it’s more like “Woah…there’s way more to it than it seems!”

Maybe you’re wondering…

  • I’ve dreamed of seeing my products in stores, but where do I start?

  • How do I find the name/phone number of store owners so I can reach out?

  • Wholesale markets sound awesome, but how do I even get in?

  • Where do I buy supplies…especially in bulk to save money?

  • If I sell wholesale, how many products do I have to make, and how fast/when will stores need them? 

 Trust me, friend. I understand all of these thoughts - and more!

In fact, it wasn’t long ago that I was running on empty…chasing down every single sale, and doing all of the business owner things - social media, website, inventory, marketing…the list goes on. Let’s just say, I was going NOWHERE fast. 

Then one day, while on a 3-hour drive home from a show, I realized I was totally exhausted. Between the long drive, loading, unloading, selling, and more, I thought to myself “It would be a whole lot easier to only do this a few times a year”. It was at that moment that I knew I had to do something different. I knew I had to go to market - so I picked up the phone, called America’s Mart in Atlanta, asked for a sales floor person, and signed a contract to have a booth at a show. Just like that!

I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at the time, and I was terrified. But despite the fear, I simply knew I had to do SOMETHING. Put one foot into the water, if you will.

Know what happened? That “one foot in the water” turned into jumping all the way in. It turned into figuring it out along the way. I made plenty of mistakes, asked an exuberant amount of questions, and, well, ultimately ended up growing my business over 300% over the course of just one year. Crazy, right?

Here’s the thing - it’s actually not that crazy, and that same level of growth is totally possible for you and your business. You know, the thing you’ve poured your blood sweat, and tears into. The things you LOVE creating and want to share with the world actually can create a meaningful and sustainable income for you and your family. 

Here’s the amazing news: I’ve taken everything I’ve learned over the years as both a buyer AND a maker, and compiled it all into 7 topics that encompass exactly how I took my business to six figures by selling wholesale. 

My course, SCHOOL FOR WHOLESALE, breaks it all down:


  • How to know if you’re ready to sell wholesale 

  • Production level and sourcing 

  • Pricing for profit

  • Marketing your products 

  • Taking and fulfilling orders

  • Selling your products in the marketplace

  • Building and nurturing relationships with buyers

And so much more! 

 I am committed to helping business owners just like you experience more freedom, more success, and more community than ever before. 

If you’re ready to have consistent income, present your products in an effective way, and truly GROW your business, my SCHOOL FOR WHOLESALE course is for you! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!.


How to Know if Your Products are Ready to Sell Wholesale 


Wholesale vs. Retail What’s the difference and which one is better for my business?