Stop Doing These 3 Things When Designing Your Space 

You grab a glass of wine, nestle into a cozy spot, take a deep breath, and open your laptop. You’re getting ready to design a new space, and the fun of making decisions about colors, decor, furniture, and more is finally here!

But then… 

  • You open Pinterest - and it’s option OVERLOAD. 

  • You get a text from 3 different friends - and there are a LOT of opinions. 

  • You remember an idea you had for a bold piece of artwork - but think it’s probably “too much”

A screen shot of my current Pinterest Board for our new home. It was a pool day, obviously!

First of all, if you’ve found yourself in any of these scenarios - same 🙋‍♀️And we are certainly not alone - because I can’t tell you how many friends and clients I speak with who have similar experiences. 

Designing a space can already be tricky enough - but then you add in the confusion of all the inspiration that exists on the internet, others’ opinions (even those who you love and respect), and internal doubt, and well, things go from tricky to paralyzing. 

I’ve even seen people completely put a halt to their design project because of one or more of these reasons - and if I’m honest, I’ve paused some of mine, as well! 

As a design expert and someone who is currently in the process of designing a brand new home, I have a wide variety of experience in everything it takes to design a space that feels authentically YOU - because in case you didn’t know, that’s what’s most important! 🥰

Based on my expertise and personal experience, here are 3 things to STOP doing when designing your space: 

  1. Overanalyzing/Overthinking. You’ve heard me mention similar thoughts in other blogs and on social media - while the internet and all of its resources can be so helpful for getting inspired, they can also provide total option overload. Pinterest is one of my favorite things ever, but this one platform alone has a crazy amount of material when it comes to all topics - especially design! This mass amount of inspiration can often lead to overanalyzing, overthinking, and ultimately - overwhelm. That’s not what we want, right!? My tip for overcoming this is to allow Pinterest (and any other source of inspiration) to simply be that - a place to get inspired. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself because, at the end of the day, so much about design does not have to be a forever thing. For things that are more permanent (tile work, etc), opt for more “classic” options that you can then spice up with things that can easily (and cost-effectively) be replaced/changed - like textiles (throw pillows, blankets, etc), paint colors, and more. You can read more about my thoughts on classic vs. trendy choices HERE!

  2. Listening to too many opinions. Seeking advice and insight from people you admire is a great thing. You’re talkin’ to a woman who gets a lot of requests for design help - and truly, it's one of my favorite things ever when someone trusts me to help customize their space! Here’s where opinions/advice get tricky - when you invite TOO many of them into your mind. I know it can be tough, but setting healthy boundaries and expectations is the name of the game here. Decide on a few trusted people who you’d like advice from when it comes to designing your space, and really commit to only taking those to heart. And because unsolicited advice will probably still come knocking, don’t worry - there are really kind ways to respond like saying “Thank you so much for caring, I’m actually working with a few specific people who are helping me design this space in a cohesive way! I’ll let you know if I have any questions or would like your opinion!” At the end of the day, allowing too many opinions into your mind will make your decision process foggy, and if you’re a people pleaser - you might even get stuck feeling like you’re disappointing those whose opinions you don’t use. Remember, this space is all about you! And that is A-OK 😀

  3. Being “shy” - AKA not trying new things. Look - if you like that loud, neon kilim rug - go for it! If you’re attracted to a new style of artwork - go for it! If you want to paint your entire bathroom black and moody - go for it! Both of the other points in this blog speak to the fact that there are a LOT of options and opinions out there. But you have ideas and vision for a reason. You like certain things you see online or in stores for a reason. SO when you’re thinking about trying something new, or just implementing something that you know and love (but is a little funky for everyone else), just do it! The best part about being bold and authentic in your design decisions is that it will ensure you’re creating a space that is true to you and that you’ll truly love. Plus, who knows who YOU will inspire by sticking to your haunches! 

I know how much hard work, thought, and energy goes into creating a space that you love. Whether it's an office where you’ll be welcoming clients, a nursery where you’ll be caring for your new little one or the perfect kitchen where you’ll be hosting family and friends - there is nothing better than designing something you’re excited about and proud of. 

Ultimately, I hope these insights inspire you to do one thing when designing your space - BE YOU! 🥰✨

What design project are you working on right now, or dreaming of for the future?

 Let me know in the comments below! 


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