5 Benefits To Wholesaling Your Products

5 Benefits To Wholesaling Your Products

Have you already created a great product? Perhaps you’ve been selling retail for a few years now, and you’re ready to move to the next level but you’re not sure what that is yet. Friend, it’s wholesaling your products and getting them into every retail store that makes sense to your brand. While you might not immediately start working with large retailers like Target that require hundreds or thousands of your products to fulfill an order, you CAN get there (if you wish!). 

If you haven’t hopped aboard the wholesale train yet, let me share with you 5 benefits to wholesaling your products that you might not have thought about.

1. You want to have a consistent income.

 Your orders will be bigger and as you are creating new merchandise, you can launch new products when the buyers need more merchandise. So instead of random orders from retail customers, you will be able to count on orders on a regular basis.

 2. You want a timeline for producing products that will save time and money.

 Buyers will buy products based on a schedule for their store marketing calendar. Since you will 

know when buyers are buying for the stores, you will be able to present and sell larger orders on their timeline and free up time to create new merchandise. 

 3. Create relationships with stores and the buyer that will give you an easier way to present new products.

 You will create relationships with the buyers and since they already know your work and your ethics it creates an easier buying/selling experience. 

 4. Reach more of your ideal clients through stores. 

 If you’ve been selling at craft shows, or even at a local boutique, your customer size has been limited to whoever walks in that day. What if you had the opportunity to reach hundreds or thousands of customers each day? When you sell your products to wholesale buyers, you have the opportunity to meet your customers where they are.

 5. Reach more stores to see your product in stores. 

 Once you start working with wholesale buyers, and the transactions are smooth and profitable for both parties, you’ll have the social proof you need to start reaching out to even more brands and start working with more stores. These could be smaller, specialty stores or larger retail chains.

Do you have more questions about the types of stores you can sell your wholesale products to? Check out my recent blog post, 4 Types Of Retail Stores For Your Wholesale Business.


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4 Types Of Retail Stores For Your Wholesale Business