3 Choices to Make BEFORE Starting Construction on a New House
Building a new house is an exciting endeavor that allows you to create your dream home from the ground up! And in case you’re wondering why I’m sharing so much about this topic (aside from the fact that I absolutely LOVE it), I’m actually in the process of building a new home myself! I’ve learned so much over the years about what TO do aaand what NOT to do. I’ve made mistakes, learned lessons, and truly seen visions come to life in spaces I never imagined could be a reality! For example, the bathroom in my current home is something I dreamed about for years, so seeing it come to fruition was so special.
Our current primary bathroom. Image courtesy AL.COM
Because this isn’t my first rodeo, I hope to share practical tips and insights with YOU so that you can learn from my experience. There can be some stressful elements of building a new home, and some of them are sneaky! While there are many decisions to make throughout the construction process, there are a few crucial decisions you should have in place before breaking ground. Let’s eliminate as much stress as possible by understanding 3 important choices to make BEFORE construction begins on your new house.
One of the most crucial decisions you'll make early in the construction process is selecting the doors and windows for your new home because framing the house will begin soon after breaking ground. As you probably imagine, doors and windows play a pivotal role in shaping the aesthetics, functionality, and energy efficiency of your house...and there are usually a lot of them! In order to check this one off your “to-do” list, you’ll need a full count of needed doors and windows, along with precise measurements for each one. While this step can sometimes feel overwhelming, it is one of the most exciting parts of the building process, because you’ll really begin to see progress in a tangible way!
I love the opportunity to sprinkle character all throughout my home. Don’t you!? Believe it or not, interior doors are a really unique way to do that. While it can feel easier to go with run-of-the-mill interior doors for spaces like your pantry, powder room, etc.…consider switching things up for doors with character! This has been a big trend over the past few years…and because doors can be so timeless, I don’t see the trend going away anytime soon. In fact, I’ve spoken to many homeowners recently who are trying to swap out their existing doors for one with more character, and that’s pretty tricky to do! Doors back in the day were much skinnier…so unless you are ready to dive into a whole bunch of construction all for a new door, weeelllll you’re pretty much stuck with what you’ve got. ENTERS the opportunity to think ahead on this and decide accordingly AS you build your home! The only kicker is that, just as with the exterior doors and windows, measurements are key…and you need them before framing begins. So here’s your sign to grab a friend and hit a vintage market, or whip out your laptop and find a couple of cool doors you’ll love including in your new space!
Knowing the brands you want to use will enable the plumbers to purchase appropriate fixtures for inside the walls during the plumbing rough-in. When it comes to building on a slab, it's crucial to select plumbing fixtures that will be mounted on the floor, such as a bathtub, well in advance. As someone who has always lived in a house with a basement, I only recently realized this necessity when I found out that my bathtub fixture will be mounted to the floor this time around. It's essential to bear in mind your budget during this decision-making phase and not let extravagance get the best of you. So, make a confident choice, stick to your budget, and avoid any last-minute pressure. It’s so early on, that it can feel tempting to blow more of the budget on things like my love for unlacquered brass…but instead, I’m going to stick with Kohler Vibrant Brushed Moderne Brass for the bathroom. PS - If you’re looking for a modern finish that will also add a touch of glamour to the space, you might like this one!
Starting construction on a new house is an exciting journey, but as you can see, it requires careful planning and decision-making. So, whether it's choosing characterful doors or picking out the perfect fixtures, having these decisions in place before breaking ground ensures a smoother and more enjoyable home-building experience. These choices can greatly impact your build's progress and your home's overall character!
Are you building a new home, too!? I’d love to answer any questions you might have - drop a comment below or DM me on Instagram @lucysinspired! And be sure to tag me @lucysinspired in your progress pics, I want to see!