Wander > Home lucy farmer Wander > Home lucy farmer

Wander > Home: Venice, Italy

Welcome to Wander>Home, a series dedicated to sharing how I bring my travels around the world back into my home! Join me on a journey that goes beyond traditional “souvenirs” as I explore the infusion of textures, colors, art, and even memories that evoke the essence of each place I've visited. This series is an invitation to see souvenirs not just as tokens, and experiences not just as memories - but as elements that can seamlessly become part of the fabric of your home.

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Lucy's Inspired Travel, Inspiration lucy farmer Lucy's Inspired Travel, Inspiration lucy farmer

3 Amazing Gift Ideas That Don't Require Shopping

You’ve heard me share a lot about gift-giving and well, that’s because it’s one of my favorite things to do! Seeing someone’s face light up because you noticed them and shared something special with them is *quite possibly* the best feeling ever.

Over the years, I’ve been given and had the opportunity to give a tremendous amount of unique gifts.

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Wander > Home lucy farmer Wander > Home lucy farmer

5 Ways I Bring my Travels into my Home

Through every season of my life, I’ve found myself consistently eager to learn new traditions, discover various comforts, and understand the daily lives of “locals” across the world. I’ve encountered wonder and awe in the differences and similarities, and caught my mind considering: How are we different? How are we similar?

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Holiday lucy farmer Holiday lucy farmer

How to Give The BEST Gifts

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been enamored with the idea of gift-giving. Seeing the look on someone’s face as they open up a wrapped package of something special simply puts a smile on my face and warms my heart!

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Wholesale lucy farmer Wholesale lucy farmer

Wholesale 101: Everything you need to know

As we enter the “back to school” season and begin to feel that cool, crisp Fall air (in some states), it’s the perfect time to imagine what could be possible for your small business in the months and years to come. While short and sweet, today's blog focuses on one of my favorite topics: selling wholesale.

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lucy farmer lucy farmer

How to Host the Perfect Girls' Night!

So as summer comes to an end and we enter what is, for many, the “busy school year”, I want to equip you with everything you need to plan the perfect girls’ night! If you follow these few, simple steps, I promise you (and your gals) will be so delighted…and you’ll be thankful you took time to plan in advance!

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lucy farmer lucy farmer

Try this and watch your small business take off!

Running a small business is an exhilarating journey! From the initial “a-ha” moment you may have had for what you dreamed of creating a business around, to the endless ups and downs that come along with being a small business owner, it's safe to say that the adventure is far from boring. As an entrepreneur myself, ’ve experienced this firsthand, and know that while the journey is beautiful and invigorating, it can also be confusing and depleting. 

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lucy farmer lucy farmer

2 Quick Questions to ask yourself when making design choices 

We’ve all been there – staring at a shelf full of picture frames or rack of beautiful (but oh so different) area rugs, debating between design choices, and feeling overwhelmed by the decision-making process in general. As we’ve been unpacking more about the design process in general around here, you’ve likely heard me talk about this feeling of “overwhelm” which often leads to decision paralysis - and friend, that’s not where we want to be!

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lucy farmer lucy farmer

Why Slowing Down is Important for Every Personality Type 

In today’s fast-paced world, “busyness” is praised and if we’re honest, we all seem to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off! From one calendar commitment to the next, we literally fill every minute on our calendar with productivity. While there’s nothing wrong with living a full, productive life, proactively choosing to slow down amidst the chaos has an endless list of benefits. From enhanced creativity, more peace, and improved moods to better overall well-being, the list truly goes on and on.

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lucy farmer lucy farmer

10 Things I Loved about Spending 10 Days in Italy 

It’s easy for me to look around during these adventures and feel immense gratitude. Not to sound cliche, but these are truly the days I dreamed of as a young girl, an early adult…and even now I am still dreaming of all the exciting things ahead. I don’t take the opportunity to travel and explore the world for granted, and will always be a big believer in the power of travel! Read more about why I think it's so important here.

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Lucy's Inspired Home lucy farmer Lucy's Inspired Home lucy farmer

Ideas for Wall Decor in a Temporary Home: 3 Easy Solutions You’ll Love!

Our conversation (and the ideas I came up with to inspire her) got me thinking about how often others may enter into a season of needing to decorate walls in a temporary or budget-friendly way.

I’m thinking about people who are…

Living in a college dorm

Renting an apartment or home

Doing exactly what my friend is doing (explained above)

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